
Alert Technologies provides the assistance you need to ensure OpsCenter is installed and configured properly.

OpsCenter Implementation

Some Alert Technologies customers want to implement OpsCenter entirely by themselves. Other customers want Alert to do the entire implementation. Most customers are somewhere in the middle. Alert Technologies consultants can support whatever approach you prefer. 

For those that want to be independent, Alert Technologies provides a detailed, easy to use Administration Manual that steps the administrator through the complete implementation process, providing screen shots of each step.

Upgrading OpsCenter

Alert has developed and released eleven major versions of OpsCenter. We average a new major release about every 18 months.

Between each major release, Alert will provide many minor upgrades to provide smaller enhancements or bug fixes. The OpsCenter product is so mature that rarely do our customers feel they must upgrade every release. Many customers upgrade to every other release instead.

Configure in Parallel with Installing

To configure OpsCenter to reflect how an organization manages emergencies requires collecting and organizing information about the processes, procedures, and checklists of the organization. This may take some time and can be done while establishing the computing infrastructure.

Throughout the course of the implementation, Alert Technologies provides a hosted environment for your organization to use at no additional charge. This allows you to start determining your configuration in parallel with setting up the infrastructure.

The parallel approach is particularly important for your organization if there is a high degree of urgency to implement the solution.